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Unusual Work

We never shy away from more unusual building jobs of any size

Here are a few of the more unusual projects we have undertaken

Mclarn Vale Builder

Southern Boulder is a climbing gym just south of Mclaren Vale on the top of Willunga Hill we built in 2014. 

Mclaren Vale Builder

Magpie Springs is a vineyard in the Adelaide Hills that we have done a large amount of work restoring to make it more functional but without loosing its rustic charm.

Mclaren Vale Builder
Mclaren Vale Builder
Recycled Materials

We have done alot of work with some animal shelters around Adelaide after a while we realised there could be a good crossover between helping shelters and helping minimise waste of building sites.  Building dog kennels and scratching posts out of recycled material has been a great way to do somthing interesting with materials that may otherwise end up as waste.


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